
Celebrating Pentecost

Celebrating Pentecost

Biblically Oriented

This weekend, we were excited to celebrate Pentecost for the first time as a church body. Pentecost is an important Christian tradition that points us towards the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.

Pentecost means “50,” marking 50 days after Jesus’ resurrection, and it was the day that changed everything for the newly born Church. Before then, the believers who made up the body of Christ had faith in the resurrected Jesus and trust in God the Father. But on that day, God poured out the Holy Spirit to dwell within them, granting them the most compelling power available to mankind and changing the landscape of the Church forever.

We celebrate Pentecost because that same Spirit resides within us—binding us together in a unity that transcends any earthly difference. Through the Spirit, we receive power to live transformed lives on mission for Christ.

Click below to check out our webpage dedicated to Pentecost. There, you will find the teaching, study questions, and other helpful resources.