
Equip Conference 2021

Equip Conference 2021

Ministry Focused
Equip Conference 2021

This past month, we were able to host Equip: Creating a Culture of Discipleship—a two-day conference designed to provide fellow ministry leaders with training and resources that have helped us make discipleship a high priority at Grace Church. Over 70 ministry leaders from SC and six other states attended Equip, and it was such a blessing to connect with fellow churches and to work collaboratively towards building the Kingdom of God through discipleship.

Pastors and ministry leaders from Grace hosted workshops and training sessions covering topics of community, worship, generosity, gender studies, leadership development, and more. These sessions were not only helpful in equipping other leaders, but they were also great reminders of why we do what we do. Many other churches have poured into Grace over the years, and we are blessed to be able to do the same for others. We hope you will celebrate this opportunity with us and pray for continued unity and fellowship with other churches in our area!

EQUIP Participants
equip participants
Chris Rivers Speaking at Creating a Culture of Discipleship Conference
Equip Session