From Him

Romans 11:36

From Him

Matt Williams

Matt Williams

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

In this passage in Romans, Paul highlights the truth that this is God’s world, and the moment is not about us, but about what he’s doing. He is reconciling all things to himself in ways we cannot understand, yet he invites us to be part of his mission.

Study Questions


  1. The purpose of life is to seek God. Reflect on your life in light of this truth by considering the following:

    • Your expectations of life
    • Your level of gratitude
    • Your time spent in worship
    • Your interaction with God’s Word
  2. Consider your relationship to the local church. Are you oriented as a consumer, or as someone giving time, energy, and resources to others?

Key Points

  • God is entirely self-sufficient. He is the Creator, and we are created, which means there is an infinite gap between us.

  • Yet, we have a compulsion to make life about us.

  • Because we are prone to self-absorption, many Christians live like atheists. We think life happens by chance or by our own hands and that the moment is all about us.

  • It’s not hard to find God, but he’s not always obvious to us because of our pride.

  • One of the most compelling things about Christianity is the Church. The fact that it is full of flawed humans and still exists points to the power of God.

Other Scripture References

Acts 17:24–28

Colossians 2:7

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